2010 - The results for the 2010 academic year were:
Primary Year 6 SATs - 98% achieved level 4a - 6c for Maths and English
Secondary Year 9 SATs - 98% achieved 7b - 8a for Maths, English and Science
GCSE Results 97% achieved grades B - C
2011 - The results for the 2011 academic year were:
Primary Year 6 SATs - 98% achieved level 4a - 6c for Maths and English
Secondary Year 9 end of year exams - 97% achieved 7b - 8a for Maths, English and Science
GCSE Results 96% achieved grades B - C
2012 - The results for the 2012 academic year were:
Primary Year 6 SATs - 98% achieved level 4a - 6c for Maths and English
Secondary Year 9 end of year exams - 98% achieved 7b - 8a for Maths, English and Science
GCSE Results 97% achieved grades A - C
2013 - The results for the 2013 academic year were:
Primary Year 6 SATs - 90% achieved level 4a - 6b for Maths and English
Secondary Year 9 end of year exams - 98% achieved 7b - 8a for Maths, English and Science
GCSE Results 100% achieved grades A - C
Key Stage One Performance –
During the year, KS1 children (ages 5-7) who attended Champions Learning centre made good progress in both numeracy and literacy. More than 90% of the children in this age group were able to carry out tasks in handwriting, spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic. 98% of these children attained level at 2a-2b. These results were at or above the national targets for year 2s.
Key Stage two Performance –
During the year, KS2 children (ages 8-11) who attended Champions Learning centre made good progress in both numeracy and literacy. All year 3, 4, and 5 children have made good progress and have shown tremendous improvement after 3- months of attending CFLC. The results were obtained from pupil’s end of year tests. More than 90% were either at or above the levels expected at that age. There were 20 children in year 6 and they all performed well in the year 6 SATs test. Only 2 children didn’t achieve level 4b or above. 90% of the year 6 children achieved level 4a – 6c.
In March 2013 CLC conducted Sats Booster Classes for all year 6 students. They covered key components for Maths and English and that have further helped them to achieve results above the national levels. There was a 100% attendance for these booster classes.
Key Stage three Performance –
During the year, KS3 children (ages 11-14) who attended Champions Learning centre made good progress in both numeracy, science and literacy. All year 7, 8, and 9 children have made good progress and have been rewarded with tremendous achievements after a few months of attending CFLC. The results were obtained from pupil’s end of year examinations as well as tests carried out by CFLC after each module or topical tutoring period has ended. More than 90% were either at or above the levels expected at that age and were at secure levels, well equipped for entering the year ahead. The children in KS3 all performed well in their year tests.
Key Stage four Performance –
During the year, KS4 children (ages 14-16) who attended Champions Learning centre made good progress in both numeracy, science and literacy. All year 10 and 11 children have made good. The year 11s have made tremendous progress and have obtained superb achievements in their GCSEs results. The success was a 100% pass in A*- C. In spite of various changes to the mark schemes, children showed resilience to achieve high grades. There was only one student who was unhappy with his science pass at grade C. CFLC was unsure of the reasons that led to a 'C' pass, as this student worked hard; was very dedicated, totally committed, punctual and assertive.